8085 Architecture Articles:
8085 Microprocessor Architecture : Fig. 1.1 shows the 8085 Microprocessor Architecture. It consists of various functional blocks as listed below : Registers Arithmetic and Logic Unit Instruction decoder and machine cycle encoder Address buffer Address/Data buffer Incrementer/Decrementer Address Latch Interrupt control Serial I/O control Timing (Read More)
8085 Microprocessor Features : The features of 8085 Microprocessor include : 1.It is an 8-bit microprocessor i.e. it can accept, process, or provide 8-bit data simultaneously. 2.It operates on a single +5V power supply connected at Vcc; power supply ground is connected to Vss. 3.It operates on clock cycle with 50% duty cycle. 4.It has on (Read More)
8085 Pin Diagram : Fig. 1.3 (a) and (b) shows 8085 Pin Diagram and functional pin diagram of 8085 microprocessor respectively. The signals of 8085 Pin Diagram can be classified into seven groups according to their functions. Power supply and frequency signals. (Read More)
Digital Recording Definition : Digital Recording Definition- Digital magnetic tapes are often used as storage devices in digital data processing applications. Digital tape units are of two types, incremental and synchronous. Incremental digital recorders (Read More)
Instruction Cycle of 8085 Microprocessor : Relation between Instruction Cycle, Machine Cycle and T-State: During normal operation, the microprocessor sequentially fetches, decodes and executes one instruction after another until a halt instruction (HLT) is executed. (Read More)
Machine Cycle in 8085 Microprocessor : The seven Machine Cycle in 8085 are : Opcode Fetch Memory Read Memory Write I/O Read I/O Write Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Idle 1. Opcode Fetch Machine Cycle 8085: The first Machine Cycle in 8085 of every instruction (Read More)