8086 Instruction Set Articles:
Data Transfer Instructions in 8086: The Data Transfer Instructions in 8086 are a) General Purpose Byte or Word Transfer Instructions: MOV PUSH POP XCHG XLAT MOV Instruction : MOV destination, source. The MOV instruction copies a word or a byte of data from some source to a destination. The … (Read More)
Arithmetic Instructions in 8086: Arithmetic Instructions in 8086 are follows a) Addition Instructions : ADD ADC INC AAA DAA ADD/ADC Instruction : ADD destination, source / ADC destination, source. These instructions add a number from source to a number from destination and put the result in the destination. The … (Read More)
Bit Manipulation Instructions in 8086(Logical Instructions): The Bit Manipulation Instructions in 8086 or Logical Instructions are NOT AND OR XOR TEST NOT Instruction : NOT destination. The NOT instruction inverts each bit of a byte or a word. The destination can be register or a memory location. Flags … (Read More)
Shift Instructions in 8086: The Shift Instructions in 8086 are follows SAL/SHL SHR SAR SAL/SHL Instruction : SAL/SHL destination, count. SAL and SHL are two mnemonics for the same instruction. This instruction shifts each bit in the specified destination to the left and 0 is … (Read More)
Rotate Instruction in 8086 with example: The Rotate Instruction in 8086 with example are namely ROL ROR RCL RCR ROL Instruction : ROL destination, count. This Rotate Instruction in 8086 with example all bits in a specified byte or word to the left some number of bit … (Read More)
Program Execution Transfer Instructions in 8086 Microprocessor: The Program Execution Transfer Instructions in 8086 Microprocessor are namely a) Unconditional transfer instructions: CALL RET JMP J cond CALL Instruction : The CALL instruction is used to Program Execution Transfer Instructions in 8086 Microprocessor to a subprogram or procedure. There … (Read More)
Process Control Instructions in 8086: The Process Control Instructions in 8086 are namely, STC CLC CMC STD CLD STI CLI STC Instruction : This instruction sets the carry flag, STC does not affect any other flag. CLC Instruction : This instruction resets the carry flag to zero. CLC does not affect any … (Read More)
8086 External Hardware Synchronization Instructions: The 8086 External Hardware Synchronization Instructions are namely HLT WAIT ESC LOCK NOP HLT Instruction : The HLT instruction will cause the 8086 to stop fetching and executing instructions. The 8086 will enter a halt state. The only ways to get the processor out … (Read More)