Synchronous Machine Articles

Synchronous Machine Articles: What is Synchronous Motor | Construction | Advantages: A synchronous Motor is one of the important types of electric machines; in fact all generating machines at power…

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Power Angle Equation of Synchronous Machine

Power Angle Equation of Synchronous Machine: Power Angle Equation of Synchronous Machine - In solving the swing equation (Eq. (12.10)), certain simplifying assumptions are usually made. These are: Mechanical power…

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Dynamics of Synchronous Machine

Dynamics of Synchronous Machine: The Kinetic Energy of the Rotor at Dynamics of a Synchronous Machine is where J = rotor moment of inertia in Kg-m2 ωsm =  synchronous speed in…

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Sequence Impedances and Networks of Synchronous Machine

Sequence Impedances and Networks of Synchronous Machine: Sequence Impedances and Networks of Synchronous Machine - Figure 10.11 depicts an unloaded synchronous machine (generator or motor) grounded through a reactor (impedance…

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Hunting in Synchronous Machine

Hunting in Synchronous Machine: So far the operation of the synchronous machine under steady-state conditions at constant (synchronous) speed has been considered. Under these conditions of Hunting in Synchronous Machine…

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Slip Test on Synchronous Machine

Slip Test on Synchronous Machine: Direct and quadrature axis reactances of a salient-pole synchronous machine can be estimated by means of a test known as the Slip Test on Synchronous…

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