Applications of Electric Drives Articles:

Applications of Electric Drives: The industrial Applications of Electric Drives are numerous. To arrive at a particular motor of suitable size for a given application, a knowledge of the following is very much necessary: The torque-speed curve of the industrial load is … (Read More)

Drive Considerations for Textile Industry: There are several processes involved by the dine the finished cloth comes out of a mill from its basic raw material, cotton picked up from the fields. The requirements of the motors are different for different … (Read More)

Control of AC Motors Torque Control
Control of AC Motors Torque Control: From the foregoing discussion for Control of AC Motors Torque Control it is clear that the motors used for textile applications must have high starting torque torque control providing uniform acceleration so that the breakage of the yarn … (Read More)

Types of Steel Rolling Mills: Types of Steel Rolling Mills are either hot rolled or cold rolled. These may be either reversing type or continuous type. The motors used for reversing mills need operation in both the directions of rotation. A … (Read More)

Cranes and Hoist Drives: The Requirements of the Cranes and Hoist Drives are The motion of the crane hook is in all three dimensions. In crane drives, the acceleration and retardation must be uniform. This is more important than the speed control. For exact … (Read More)

Cement Mill Process
Cement Mill Process: The Cement Mill Process has different Stages in Cement Production and they are The raw materials of Cement Mill Process are lime and silica. Alumina and ferric oxide are used as fluxing agents. Collection of raw materials such as lime … (Read More)

Sugar Mill Process: The Sugar Mill Process the crystals are separated from the syrup by means of a centrifuge. The separation is accomplished by the centrifugal forces set up. The centrifuge is started to a speed of around 200 rpm at … (Read More)

Machine Tools Motors Requirements: The Machine Tools Motors Requirements are: The motors must be reliable and low cost, requiring less maintenance. They must be capable of speed control. Some applications may require operation at fixed speeds. Sometimes stepless and smooth speed control is … (Read More)

Paper Mill Process: The raw materials for Paper Mill Process undergo two processes before the paper is available: The pulp is made from the raw materials. This pulp is converted to paper in paper making machines. The drives required for making … (Read More)

Coal Mining Process Diagram
Coal Mining Process Diagram: The motors used for Coal Mining Process Diagram must be flame proof. They operate at high ambient temperatures. Sometimes the environment may be humid and the motors should have humid proof insulation. The motor must satisfy very … (Read More)

Centrifugal Pump Load: Centrifugal Pump Load are used as boiler feed pumps and for pumping water in water pipe lines. The former must be adapted to the variable output of the steam generator. In the latter, varying water requirements of an … (Read More)

Wound Rotor Induction Motor with Subsynchronous Converter Cascade in the Rotor Circuit: The following points favour the application of a slip ring motor having static slip energy recovery scheme in the Subsynchronous Converter Cascade circuit, to drive a centrifugal pump (Fig. 7.10). 1.The … (Read More)

Turbocompressors: The turbocompressors and blowers in the industry require drives rated up to 40 MW. Drives of large rating are also required in steel industry blast furnace blowers in natural gas pipelines and liquefaction processes in wind tunnels chemical process industry. In the upper power range … (Read More)

Basic Aspects of Control System Design of Microprocessor Based Variable Speed Drives: Based on the examples of drives discussed in the foregoing, general outlines may be drawn for designing the Control System Design of variable drives using a microprocessor. It is … (Read More)

Stepper Motor Applications
Stepper Motor Applications: The microprocessors are employed for the control of stepper motors which are generally used as position actuators. Some other Stepper Motor Applications are to drive floppy discs, numerical control of machine tools, X-Y plotters etc. The ease with … (Read More)

Features of Stepper Motor: The Features of Stepper Motor are small step angle high positioning accuracy high torque to inertia ratio stepping rate and accuracy Small Step Angle: The angle by which the rotor of a stepper motor moves when one pulse is applied to the … (Read More)

Stepper Motor Classification
Stepper Motor Classification: The Stepper Motor Classification based on the construction and principle of operation. These are Variable reluctance motors Permanent magnet motors Hybrid stepping motors Claw pole motors with permanent magnets The stepper motors are used for linear motors also. These are also classified as … (Read More)