Coupled Circuits Definition

Coupled Circuits Definition: Two circuits are said to be 'coupled' when energy transfer takes place from one circuit to the other when one of the circuits is energized. There are many types of Coupled Circuits…

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Effects of Harmonics

Effects of Harmonics: The relationship between line and phase quantities for wye and delta connections as derived earlier are strictly valid only if the source voltage is purely sinusoidal. Such a waveform is an ideal…

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Reactive Power with Wattmeter

Reactive Power with Wattmeter: We have already seen earlier that the difference between higher reading wattmeter and lower reading wattmeter yields VLIL sin Φ. So, the total reactive power = √3 VLIL sin Φ. Reactive…

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Leading Power Factor Load

Leading Power Factor Load: Suppose the load in Fig. 9.46(a) is capacitive, the wattmeter connected in the leading phase would read less value. In that case, WR will be the lower reading wattmeter, and WY…

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