Effects of Short Circuit Faults on Power System

Effects of Short Circuit Faults on Power System: Depending upon power circuit voltage and configuration, method of neutral connection, presence of regulating devices and the speed of disconnection of the faulted circuit section, various types…

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Different Types of Faults in Power System

Different Types of Faults in Power System: A fault in an electrical equipment/apparatus is defined as a defect in the electrical circuit due to which current is diverted from the intended path. The nature of…

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General Characteristics of Electrical Equipment

General Characteristics of Electrical Equipment: All electrical machines, apparatus and other forms of characteristics of electrical equipment must satisfy two main requirements—they must be able to operate continuously under normal service conditions and must be able…

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Types of Power Transmission Drives

Types of Power Transmission Drives: Mechanical power available at the motor shaft has to be transmitted to the driven machine or machines. Various types of power transmission drives are namely, Direct Drive Belt Drives Rope…

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Types of Motor Enclosures

Types of Motor Enclosures: In order to protect machines against the ingress of dirt and dust or larger foreign bodies like spanners, vermin etc. into it, it is desirable that some suitable enclosure be provided.…

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Electrical Braking of Polyphase Induction Motors

Electrical Braking of Polyphase Induction Motors: Electrical Braking of Polyphase Induction Motors which consists of different types, namely, Plugging (or Counter-Current Braking) Dynamic (or Rheostatic) Braking Regenerative Braking 1. Plugging (or Counter-Current Braking) Plugging can…

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Speed Control of AC Commutator Motors

Speed Control of AC Commutator Motors: Speed control of ac commutator motors can be had either by varying the applied voltage or by movement of the brushes round the commutator. The former method makes use…

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