Continuous Wave Gas Laser
Continuous Wave Gas Laser: The first Continuous Wave Gas Laser, in 1961, was a gas laser using a mixture of helium and neon gases. These are still used, and a simplified He-Ne laser is shown…
Continuous Wave Gas Laser: The first Continuous Wave Gas Laser, in 1961, was a gas laser using a mixture of helium and neon gases. These are still used, and a simplified He-Ne laser is shown…
Pulsed Ruby Laser: The Pulsed Ruby Laser is similar to the ruby cavity maser, to some extent, in that stimulation is applied to raise the chromium atoms to a higher energy level to secure a…
Cryogenically Cooled Amplifiers: The term solid-state is used deliberately here; it does not mean "semiconductor." In terms of the somewhat older maser parlance, it means the opposite of gaseous, i.e., ruby. The cross section of…
Ruby Maser: As was know ferrites of certain materials have atomic systems that can be made to resonate magnetically at frequencies dependent on the atomic structure of the material and the strength of the applied…
Schottky Barrier Diode: Schottky junctions have been shown and described throughout this chapter, in conjunction with various devices that use them in their construction in Figure 12-4. Accordingly it will be realized that the Schottky…
Pin Diode Construction: The Pin Diode Construction consists of a narrow layer of p-type semiconductor separated from an equally narrow layer of n-type material by a somewhat thicker region of intrinsic material. The intrinsic layer…
Impatt Diode Working: IMPATT Diode Working is a combination of delay involved in generating avalanche current multiplication, together with delay due to transit time through a drift space, provides the necessary 180° phase difference between…
Gunn Diode Working Principle: A practical Gunn Diode Working Principle consists of a slice like the one shown in Figure 12-24, sometimes with a buffer layer between the active layer and the substrate, mounted in…
Gunn Effect: In 1963, Gunn discovered the transferred electron effect which now bears his name. This Gunn Effect is instrumental in the generation of microwave oscillations in bulk semiconductor materials. The effect was found by…
Tunnel Diode Applications: In all its Tunnel Diode Applications, the tunnel diode should be loosely coupled to its tuned circuit. With lumped components, this is done by means of a capacitive divider, with the diode…