Voltage Drop on Load and Regulation
Voltage Drop on Load and Regulation: The change of average Voltage Drop on Load from the no load theoretical value expressed as a percentage of no load voltage is called the Regulation. The change in…
Voltage Drop on Load and Regulation: The change of average Voltage Drop on Load from the no load theoretical value expressed as a percentage of no load voltage is called the Regulation. The change in…
Voltage Multiplier Circuits: Cascaded Voltage Multiplier Circuits for higher voltages are cumbersome and require too many supply and isolating transformers. It is possible to generate very high d.c. voltages from single supply transformers by extending…
Voltage Doubler Circuits: Both full wave and half wave rectifier circuits produce a d.c. voltage less than the a.c. maximum voltage. When higher d.c voltages are needed, a Voltage Doubler Circuits or cascaded rectifier doubler…
Half and Full Wave Rectifier Circuits: Half and Full Wave Rectifier Circuits for producing high d.c. voltages from a.c. sources may be (a) Half wave, (b) Full wave, or (c) Voltage doubler type rectifiers. The rectifier…
Different Types of High Voltages: In the fields of electrical engineering and applied physics, Different Types of High Voltages (d.c., a.c,, and impulse) are required for several applications. For example, electron microscopes and x-ray units…
Applications in High Voltage Bushings: At rated voltages higher than 52 kV, the condenser or capacitance graded bushing principle is generally used. The insulating material for such a Applications in High Voltage Bushings is paper…
Use of Power Capacitor: In most of the industrial applications, the power requirements are reactive in nature and a lagging current is drawn from the power lines. This requires additional generating capacity. This can be…
Applications of Cables in Engineering Works: In the recent years natural rubber has been completely replaced by synthetic rubbers and plastics as cable insulation. The physical properties required for wire and cable insulation depend on…
Applications in Circuit Breaker: Applications in Circuit Breaker : A circuit breaker is a switch which automatically interrupts the circuit when a critical current or voltage rating is exceeded. A.c. currents are considerably easier to…
Applications of Rotating Machines: Applications of Rotating Machines are normally divided into two categories: those with voltage ratings less than 6,600 V are called low voltage machines, and the others are high voltage machines. Because…