Features of Stepper Motor
Features of Stepper Motor: The Features of Stepper Motor are small step angle high positioning accuracy high torque to inertia ratio stepping rate and accuracy Small Step Angle: The angle by which the rotor of…
Features of Stepper Motor: The Features of Stepper Motor are small step angle high positioning accuracy high torque to inertia ratio stepping rate and accuracy Small Step Angle: The angle by which the rotor of…
Stepper Motor Applications: The microprocessors are employed for the control of stepper motors which are generally used as position actuators. Some other Stepper Motor Applications are to drive floppy discs, numerical control of machine tools,…
Basic Aspects of Control System Design of Microprocessor Based Variable Speed Drives: Based on the examples of drives discussed in the foregoing, general outlines may be drawn for designing the Control System Design of variable…
Margin Angle Control of Synchronous Motors: The commutation Margin Angle Control of Synchronous Motors is defined as the angle measured from the end of commutation to the crossing of the phase voltage which was under…
Inverter Control using Terminal Voltage Sensing: The Inverter Control using Terminal Voltage Sensing of the synchronous motor is obtained using the triggering pulses to the inverter which are synchronized with the rotor position. These signals…
Microprocessor Control of a Current source Inverter Fed Synchronous Motor: A drive system employing a Current source Inverter Fed Synchronous Motor has the following features: A four quadrant drive can be accomplished very easily. A…
Microprocessor Control of Synchronous Motor Drives: Variable speed drives employing Microprocessor Control of Synchronous Motor Drives are becoming very popular in industrial applications. They are an immediate solution for high power reversible drives and are…
Field Oriented Control of Three Phase Induction Motor: The stator current of an induction motor has the functions of producing the required air gap flux (magnetisation) as well as developing the required torque to drive…
Control of DC Drives Using Microprocessors: The dc motors fed from thyristor converters for variable speeds are being extensively used in general industrial applications. A dual converter, which is a combination of two antiparallel connected…
Function Generation and Linearisation: An important aspect of the closed loop control system is the use of Function Generation and Linearisation, e.g. in the control of induction motors there exists a definite nonlinear relationship between…