
Cycloconverter: A variable frequency supply for feeding a three phase motor can be obtained from a cycloconverter which operates on a 50 Hz supply and provides a variable frequency supply at the output (Fig. 3.105).…

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Harmonic Reduction

Harmonic Reduction: The output voltage waveform of an inverter is non-sinusoidal. It contains a rich harmonic content. The Harmonic Reduction cause additional losses and torque pulsations if a three phase motor is used as a…

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Three Phase Inverter

Three Phase Inverter: The variable frequency required for the speed control of three phase ac motors is obtained from a Three Phase Inverter. To avoid magnetic saturation and to obtain constant flux conditions in the…

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Two Quadrant Chopper

Two Quadrant Chopper: Sometimes a chopper may be required to provide a two quadrant operation by retaining the current direction in both motoring and braking modes. Such a Two Quadrant Chopper is shown in Fig.…

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