AC Fundamentals

AC Fundamentals: Let us discuss in brief, the AC Fundamentals necessary to analyse the networks consisting of various alternating current and voltage sources, resistances and inductive, capacitive reactances. An alternating current or voltage is the…

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Machine Cycle in 8085 Microprocessor

Machine Cycle in 8085 Microprocessor: The seven Machine Cycle in 8085 Microprocessor are : Opcode Fetch Cycle Memory Read Memory Write I/O Read I/O Write Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Idle 1. Opcode Fetch Cycle: The first…

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Instruction Cycle of 8085 Microprocessor

Instruction Cycle of 8085 Microprocessor: During normal operation, the microprocessor sequentially fetches, decodes and executes one instruction after another until a halt instruction (HLT) is executed. The fetching, decoding and execution of a single instruction…

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