Voltage Source and Current Source

Voltage Source and Current Source: According to their terminal Voltage Current Characteristics, electrical Sources of Energy are categorized into ideal voltage source and current source. Further they can be divided into Independent and Dependent sources.…

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Capacitance Formula

Capacitance Formula: Capacitance Formula is given by any two conducting surfaces separated by an insulating medium exhibit the property of a capacitor. The conducting surfaces are called electrodes, and the insulating medium is called dielectric.…

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Inductance Formula

Inductance Formula | Inductance Symbol: Inductance Formula explains that when a wire of certain length, when twisted into a coil becomes a basic inductor. If current is made to pass through an inductor, an electromagnetic…

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SI Unit of Electrical Resistance

SI Unit of Electrical Resistance: SI Unit of Electrical Resistance - When a current flows in a material, the free electrons move through the material and collide with other atoms. These collisions cause the electrons…

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Current Definition

Current Definition: Current Definition states that there are free electrons available in all semiconductive and conductive materials. These free electrons move at random in all directions within the structure in the absence of external pressure…

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Microprocessor Based DCS

Microprocessor Based DCS: Microprocessor Based DCS - Modern plants nowadays are very complex, large scale systems with a very high degree of automation. The designs and the operation of these plants are determined by the…

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TDC 3000 Architecture

TDC 3000 Architecture: 1. Hiway Based Distributed Control: The building block concept of TDC 3000 Architecture control design, with distributed process controlled boxes linked together by a communication network, was first introduced by Honeywell in…

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DCS System

DCS System: A DCS System is preferred over a central computer system for the following reasons. Central Computer System (CCS) exposes the plant to the risk that the system might fail. This can be minimized by…

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