Ladder Type Converter D/A
Ladder Type Converter D/A: Looking into any load from the left side we always see a resistor R. Similarly looking from the right side for any load, one always sees a resistor 2 R. This…
Ladder Type Converter D/A: Looking into any load from the left side we always see a resistor R. Similarly looking from the right side for any load, one always sees a resistor 2 R. This…
Variable Resistor Network: Variable Resistor Network - The basic problem in converting a digital signal into an equivalent analog signal is to change the n digital voltage levels into one equivalent analog voltage. This can…
Computer Based Data Acquisition System: Computer Based Data Acquisition System - If a large number of inputs are to be measured, some equipment is needed to measure them and display the results in a meaningful…
Multi Channel Data Acquisition System: The Multi Channel Data Acquisition System can be time shared by two or more input sources. Depending on the desired properties of the multiplexed system, a number of techniques are…
Single Channel Data Acquisition System: A Single Channel Data Acquisition System consists of a signal conditioner followed by an analog to digital (A/D) converter, performing repetitive conversions at a free running, internally determined rate. The…
Signal Conditioning of Inputs: Since all the data that have to be acquired, do not generally originate from identical sources, signal conditioning becomes necessary in some cases. A simple attenuator, is used to scale down…
Data Acquisition System: A typical Data Acquisition System consists of individual sensors with the necessary signal conditioning, data conversion, data processing, multiplexing, data handling and associated transmission, storage and display systems. In order to optimise…
Measuring Amplitude Modulation Using CRO: The CRO is widely used as an Measuring Amplitude Modulation. It presents the waveform for visual monitoring and is fairly accurate in measurements of modulation percentage. The type of CRO…
Radio Frequency Modulation: Radio Frequency Modulation - The simplest method of measuring frequency deviation utilises an FM receiver with a BFO as the measuring instrument. The only coupling used is the air waves between the…
Modulation Frequency Definition: Modulation Frequency Definition is the process of impressing information on a carrier wave by altering either its amplitude of frequency. In amplitude modulation, the degree is the percentage of amplitude change from…