Low Pass Filter Circuits

Low Pass Filter Circuits: The Low Pass Filter Circuits of Fig. 15.7 is commonly used for low pass active filters. The filtering is done by the use of an RC network. The opamp is used…

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Classification of Active Filters

Classification of Active Filters: An electric filter is often a frequency selective circuit that passes a specified band of frequencies and blocks or attenuates signals of frequencies outside this band. Classification of Active Filters are…

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Types of Filters in Electronics

Types of Filters in Electronics: Types of filters in electronics may be of any physical form—electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, hy­draulic, acoustical, etc. The most commonly used filters are of the electrical type. Types of filters in…

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What are Passive Filters?

What are Passive Filters?: Passive filters are mainly networks using inductors, capacitors and resistors. The classical theory employed was based on the image parameter theory which in turn was based on the filter's characteristics and…

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What is a Filter Circuit?

What is a Filter Circuit?: A network designed to attenuate certain frequencies but pass others without attenuation is called a filter. A filter circuit thus possesses at least one pass band, which is a band…

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Magnetic Modulator

Magnetic Modulator: The most reliable substitutes for electromechanical choppers are magnetic modulators. These devices reach a null stability as low as 10 μV, but their response time is often less than 2 Hz and the…

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