Maxwell Bridge Theory

Maxwell Bridge Theory: Maxwell Bridge theory, shown in Fig. 11.21, measures an unknown inductance in terms of a known capacitor. The use of standard arm offers the advantage of compactness and easy shielding. The capacitor…

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Comparison Bridge

Comparison Bridge: There are two types of Comparison Bridge, Namely Capacitance Comparison Bridge Inductance Comparison Bridge 1. Capacitance Comparison Bridge: Figure 11.18 shows the circuit of a capacitance comparison bridge. The ratio arms R1, R2…

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Bridge Controlled Error Detection

Bridge Controlled Error Detection: Bridge Controlled Error Detection - Whenever a bridge is unbalanced, a potential difference exists at its output terminal. The potential difference causes current to flow through the detector (say, a galvanometer)…

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Kelvins Bridge and Kelvins Double Bridge

Kelvins Bridge and Kelvins Double Bridge: When the resistance to be measured is of the order of magnitude of bridge contact and lead resistance, a modified form of Wheatstone's bridge, the Kelvins Bridge is employed.…

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Wheatstone Bridge Diagram

Wheatstone Bridge Diagram: A Wheatstone Bridge diagram in its simplest form consists of a network of four resistance arms forming a closed circuit, with a dc source of current applied to two opposite junctions and…

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Megger Circuit Diagram

Megger Circuit Diagram: Another common method of measuring resistances above 50 M Ω is the Megger Circuit Diagram (megaohmmeter) shown in Fig. 10.23(a). This instrument is used to measure very high resistances, such as those…

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