Kaplan Turbine Working Principle
Kaplan Turbine Working Principle: Kaplan Turbine Working Principle - The water from the scroll casing flows over the guide vanes. It is deflected through an angle of 90° in between guide vanes and runner. Then…
Kaplan Turbine Working Principle: Kaplan Turbine Working Principle - The water from the scroll casing flows over the guide vanes. It is deflected through an angle of 90° in between guide vanes and runner. Then…
Classification of Hydraulic Turbines: The important classification of hydraulic turbines are: 1. According to the type of energy Impulse turbine, and Reaction turbine If the energy available at the inlet of the turbine is only…
Site Selection for Hydroelectric Power Plant: The Site Selection for Hydroelectric Power Plant includes several structures like dam, conduits intakes, surge tank, power house and many others. It requires several investigation and study to determine…
Components of Hydroelectric Power Plant: Components of Hydroelectric Power Plant (or) Hydel power plant are Reservoir Dam Trash rack Surge tank Fore bay Pen stock Spill way Power house Draft tube Reservoir: The main purpose…
Hydel Power Plant - Definition, Working Principle and Advantages: Power of water - Hydel Power Plant is a clean and cheap source of energy. The basic principle of hydropower is that when water is piped from…
Liquid Metal Cooled Reactor (LMCR) - Working, Advantages & Disadvantages: A liquid metal cooled reactor (LMCR) is an advanced type of nuclear reactor that uses a liquid metal as the primary coolant. The use of…
Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) - Definition and Working Principle: Breeding - The process of producing fissionable material from a fertile material such as Uranium 238 (U238) and thorium 232 (Th232) by neutron absorption is known as…
Gas Cooled Reactor Working Process: Gas Cooled Reactor Working Process - This type of reactor is cooled by the gas. The heat carried by the gas from the reactor is either used for generating steam…
Canada Deuterium Uranium Reactor (CANDU): It is a Canadian invented pressurized heavy water reactor which uses 99.8 percent of Deuterium oxide D2O (Heavy water) as moderator and coolant. The reactor uses 0.7% U235 (natural uranium)…
Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) - Working Principle: Pressurized Water Reactor uses enriched U as fuel. In this reactor, water is used as coolant and moderator. The water passes through the reactor core and becomes hot…