What is Secondary Emission?

What is Secondary Emission? When a beam of high velocity electrons suddenly strikes a metallic surface, they give up their kinetic energy to electrons and atoms which they strike. Some of the bombarding electrons, called…

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What is Thermionic Emission?

What is Thermionic Emission? A very common method used for electron emission is by heating the metal piece to a high temperature. The process of electron emission from the surface of metal into the surrounding…

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What is Electron Emission?

What is Electron Emission? The liberation of electrons from the surface of a substance is known as electron emission. For electron emission, metals are employed because they have many free electrons. In a metal like…

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What is Current Density?

What is Current Density? By definition, the current density, denoted by the symbol J, is the current per unit area of the conducting medium i.e., where current I is the rate of flow of charge.…

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