8288 Bus Controller
8288 Bus Controller: Figure 5.37 shows the 8288 bus controller which is used in the maximum-mode operation of 8086 CPU. This IC receives four inputs such as S̅2, S̅1, S̅0 status signals and CLK from 8086.…
8288 Bus Controller: Figure 5.37 shows the 8288 bus controller which is used in the maximum-mode operation of 8086 CPU. This IC receives four inputs such as S̅2, S̅1, S̅0 status signals and CLK from 8086.…
Clock Generator 8284A: During fetch and execute instructions, the 8086 and 8088 processors require clock pulse which has about 10 ns rise and fall times. The logic 0 level of the clock is 0.5 V…
Demultiplexing of Address and Data Bus in 8086 and 8088 Microprocessors: Demultiplexing of Address and Data Bus in 8086 and 8088 Microprocessors which consists of three buses: address, data and control buses. The address/data buses…
Timing Diagram of the 8088 Microprocessor: Each bus cycle of the 8088 processor consists of four T states: T1, T2, T3 and T4. During the first clock cycle T1, ALE signal is high and A19/S6-A16/S3 are used as…
Internal Architecture of 8088 Microprocessor: Figure 5.24 shows the Internal Architecture of 8088 Microprocessor. The set of registers of 8088 is approximately same as that of 8086. The architecture of 8088 is same as 8086…
What is Modular Programming?: What is Modular Programming? - Generally, industry-programming projects consist of thousands of lines of instructions or operation code. Such huge monolithic programs would be unmanageable and incomprehensible. Therefore, it is difficult…
Time Delay Loop in Microprocessor: Microprocessors perform different operations in sequence and one operation at a time. To complete an operation, some time is required. When some time delay is required between two operations, a…
What is Subroutine in Microprocessor?: Some operations/functions are repeatedly performed in a main program like multiplication, division, and time delay between two operations, etc., Groups of instructions are written to perform these operations and these…
What is Stack in Assembly Language? The Stack in Assembly Language is a group of memory locations in Read/Write (R/W) memory of any microcomputer and is used to store the contents of the register, operand…
What is High Level Language in Microprocessor?: The demerits of assembly languages are overcome by using high-level languages. High-level languages can improve the readability by using English words which make it easier to understand the…