Intel 80386 Pin Diagram Description
Intel 80386 Pin Diagram Description: The 80286 family has a sinking current of 2.0 mA but each output pin of the 80386 is capable of sinking 4.0 mA current for address and data buses or…
Intel 80386 Pin Diagram Description: The 80286 family has a sinking current of 2.0 mA but each output pin of the 80386 is capable of sinking 4.0 mA current for address and data buses or…
Registers of 80386 Microprocessor: The 80386 processor has significantly extended the 8086 register set. All the registers of 80286 are existing in the 80386 processor and some new registers have been added in 80386. Generally,…
Internal Architecture of 80386 Microprocessor: The simplified block diagram of the 80386 processor is depicted in Fig. 11.31 and Fig. 11.32 shows the detailed architecture of 80386. The internal architecture of the 80386 processor consists…
Difference between 80186 and 80286 Microprocessor: The difference between 80186 and 80286 Microprocessor is given in table below 80186 microprocessor 80286 microprocessor Intel 80186 was developed in 1982 and it is the improved version of…
Difference Between 8086 and 80286 Microprocessor: The difference between 8086 and 80286 Microprocessor is given in table below 8086 microprocessor 80286 microprocessor Intel 8086 was developed in 1978 and it has about 3000 different instructions…
Protected Virtual Address Mode (PVAM) in 80286: Protected Virtual Address Mode (PVAM) in 80286 - The 80286 executes a fully upward-compatible superset of the 8086 instruction set in protected virtual address mode. The PVAM operation…
Real Addressing Mode of 80286: In the Real Addressing Mode of 80286 operation, 80286 executes a fully upward-compatible instruction of the 8086 instruction set. It works as a fast 8086. In Real Addressing Mode of…
80286 Instruction Set: The 80286 Instruction Set are upwardly compatible with that of the 8086 processor. Most of the 80286 Instruction Set are the same as the instructions of 8086. The additional instructions of 80286…
Data Types of 80286 Microprocessor: The Data Types of 80286 Microprocessor directly supports seven types of data such as integer, ordinal, pointer, string, ASCII, BCD, packed BCD, and floating-point types of data as given below:…
Addressing Modes of 80286 Microprocessor: The 80286 has eight addressing modes for instructions to access operands from memory. The eight different Addressing Modes of 80286 Microprocessor are as follows: Register operand mode Immediate operand Direct…