Automation Generation Articles:

Turbo Generator Excitation System: Power system operation considered so far was under conditions of steady load. However, both active and reactive power demands are never steady and they continually change with the rising or falling trend. Steam input to turbo­ generators … (Read More)

Load Frequency Control of Single Area System
Load Frequency Control of Single Area System: Let us consider the problem of controlling the power output of the generators of a closely knit electric area so as to maintain the scheduled frequency. All the generators in such an area constitute … (Read More)

Load Frequency Control of Isolated Power System: To obtain the dynamic response of Load Frequency Control of Isolated Power System giving the change in frequency as function of the time for a step change in load, we must obtain the Laplace … (Read More)

Proportional Plus Integral Control
Proportional Plus Integral Control: It is seen from the earlier discussion that with the speed governing system installed on each machine, the steady load frequency characteristic for a given speed changer setting has considerable droop, e.g. … (Read More)

Load frequency Control and Economic Dispatch Control
Load frequency Control and Economic Dispatch Control: Load frequency control with integral controller achieves zero steady state frequency error and a fast dynamic response, but it exercises no control over the relative loadings of various generating stations (i.e. economic dispatch) of … (Read More)

Two Area Load Frequency Control: An extended power system can be divided into a number of Two Area Load Frequency Control areas interconnected by means of tie lines. Without loss of generality we shall consider … (Read More)

Optimal Two Area Load Frequency Control: Modern control theory is applied in this section to design an Optimal Two Area Load Frequency Control for a two-area system. In accordance with modem control terminology ΔPc1 and ΔPC2 will be referred to as … (Read More)

Automatic Voltage Control
Automatic Voltage Control: Figure 8.20 gives the schematic diagram of an automatic voltage regulator of a generator. It basically consists of a main exciter which excites the alternator field to control the output voltage. The exciter field … (Read More)

Load Frequency Control with Generation Rate Constraint (GRC)
Load Frequency Control with Generation Rate Constraint (GRC): Load Frequency Control with Generation Rate Constraint (GRC) – The Load frequency Control problem discussed so far does not consider the effect of the restrictions on the rate of change of power generation. … (Read More)

Speed Governor Dead Band and its Effect on AGC
Speed Governor Dead Band and its Effect on AGC: The effect of the Speed Governor Dead Band is that for a given position of the governor control valves, an increase/decrease in speed can occur before the position of the valve changes. … (Read More)

Discrete Time Control System: The Discrete Time Control System is described by a set of linear differential equations where x, u, p are state, control and disturbance vectors respectively and A,B and Γ are constant matrices associated with the above vectors. The discrete-time … (Read More)

Decentralized Control System Definition and Techniques
Decentralized Control System Definition and Techniques: Decentralized Control System – In view of the large size of a modern power system, it is virtually impossible to implement either the classical or the modern LFC algorithm in a centralized manner. In Fig. 8.24, … (Read More)