Use of Bundled Conductors in Transmission Line:

A Bundled Conductors in Transmission Line is shown in Fig. 3.13. The conductors of any one bundle are in parallel, and it is assumed that the charge per bundle divides equally among the conductors of the bundle as D12 ≫ d. Also     D12 – d ≈ D12 + d ≈ D12 for the same reason.

Use of Bundled Conductors in Transmission Line

The results obtained with these assumptions are fairly accurate for usual spacings. Thus if the charge on phase a is qa, the conductors a and a’ have a charge of qa/2 each; similarly the charge is equally divided for phases b and c.

Now, writing an equation for the voltage from conductor a to conductor b, we get

Use of Bundled Conductors in Transmission Line


Use of Bundled Conductors in Transmission Line

Considering the line to be transposed and proceeding in the usual manner, the final result will be

Use of Bundled Conductors in Transmission Line

It is obvious from Eq. (2.42) that the method of modified GMD is equally valid in this case.