Reactive Power with Wattmeter

Reactive Power with Wattmeter: We have already seen earlier that the difference between higher reading wattmeter and lower reading wattmeter yields VLIL sin Φ. So, the total reactive power = √3 VLIL sin Φ. Reactive…

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Leading Power Factor Load

Leading Power Factor Load: Suppose the load in Fig. 9.46(a) is capacitive, the wattmeter connected in the leading phase would read less value. In that case, WR will be the lower reading wattmeter, and WY…

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Three Phase Balanced Circuit

Three Phase Balanced Circuit: The analysis of Three Phase Balanced Circuit is presented in this section. It is no way different from the analysis of AC systems in general. The relation between voltages, currents and…

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3 Phase Delta Connection

3 Phase Delta Connection: Delta Connected System - Figure 9.26 shows a balanced three-phase, three-wire, delta-connected system. This arrangement is referred to as mesh connection because it forms a closed circuit. It is also known…

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3 Phase Star Connection

Voltage, Current and Power in 3 Phase Star Connection: 3 Phase Star Connection - Figure 9.21 shows a balanced three-phase, Y-connected system. The voltage induced in each winding is called the phase voltage (Vph). Likewise…

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