Photon Absorption Coefficient

Photon Absorption Coefficient: Photon Absorption Coefficient - When light falls on a semiconductor, the photons may be absorbed or they may propagate through the semiconductor depending on the photon energy (E) and the band gap…

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What is Wave Particle Duality?

What is Wave Particle Duality? Since waves exhibit particle-like behavior, then the particles also should exhibit wave—like properties. This theory (de Broglie) is based on the existence of a wave particle duality principle. The momentum…

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What is Photoelectric Effect?

What is Photoelectric Effect?: When monochromatic light is incident on a clean surface of a material, then under certain conditions, electrons, also called photoelectrons, are emitted from the surface. The electrons in the metal absorb…

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What is Optoelectronic Devices?

What is Optoelectronic Devices? Optoelectronics is the technology that combines optics and electronics and the devices based on this technology are known as optoelectronic devices. These devices include emitters, sensors and optocouplers or optoisolators. These…

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Shifted Unit Step Function

Shifted Unit Step Function: This Shifted Unit Step Function is defined by the equation for a step function which changes abruptly at the time t = + a. In general, the step function has unit…

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What is Waveshaping? – Types

What is Waveshaping? - Types Waveshaping is a part of signal processing where the signal waveform has to be properly shaped before amplification. It may be defined as a process of generating new waveforms from…

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Pulse Characteristics and Terminology

Pulse Characteristics and Terminology: For describing the output of pulse generators and the applications in which they are used, the introduction of terminology associated with the pulses is very important. The first group of such…

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Classification of Pulse Signals

Classification of Pulse Signals: The Classification of Pulse Signals are divided into four categories, namely Periodic signals. Aperiodic signals. Random signals. Continuous and Discrete Signals 1. Periodic Signals: Periodic signals are those which repeat themselves…

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