Difference between PCM, Adaptive Delta Modulation and Differential Pulse Code Modulation:

The difference between PCM, Adaptive Delta Modulation and Differential Pulse Code Modulation is given in table below

Sl no Parameter PCM Delta modulation (DM) Adaptive Delta
Modulation (ADM)
Differential Pulse
Code Modulation
1 Number of
It can use 4, 8 or 16 bits per sample. It uses only one bit for one sample. Only one bit is used to encode one sample. Bits can be more than one but are less than PCM.
2 Levels, step size The number of levels depend on number of bits. Level size is fixed.  Step size is
fixed and cannot be varied.
According to the signal variation, step size varies (Adapted). Fixed number of levels are used.
3 Quantization error and Distortion Quantization error depends on number of levels used. Slope
overload distortion and granular noise is present.
Quantization error is
present but
other errors
are absent.
Slope overload
distortion and
noise is present.
4 Bandwidth of transmission channel Highest bandwidth is required since number of bits are high. Lowest bandwidth is required. Lowest bandwidth is required. Bandwidth
required is lower than PCM.
5 Feedback. There is no feedback in transmitter or receiver. Feedback exists in transmitter. Feedback exists. Feedback exists.
6 Complexity
of notation.
System is complex. Simple. Simple. Simple.