Difference between RISC Processor and CISC Processor:
The difference between RISC Processor and CISC Processor is given in table below
RISC Processor |
CISC Processor |
In RISC processor, emphasis is given on software. | In CISC processor, emphasis is given on hardware. |
In RISC processor, Reduced and simple instructions are used. | In CISC processor, Large number of instructions including complex instructions are used. |
In RISC processor, Each instruction is executed within a single clock. | In CISC processor, Multi-clocks are required to execute complex instructions. |
For register-to-register data movement, LOAD and STORE instructions are independently operated. | For memory-to-memory data movement, LOAD and STORE instructions are incorporated in instructions. |
There are large code sizes for a program, but the number of cycles per instruction is low. | It has small code sizes for a program, but the number of cycles per instruction is high. |
RISC processor spends more transistors on memory registers. | Transistors are used for storing complex instructions. |