Difference between the performance characteristics of SCR and MOSFET:

The difference between the performance characteristics of SCR and MOSFET is given in below table

1 Minority carrier device. Majority carrier device.
2 Current driven device. Voltage driven device.
3 Low switching speed. High switching speed.
4 Low resistive input impedance. Purely capacitive, high input impedance.
5 Only one pulse is required for switching. No DC current is required to maintain conductor except during turn-ON and OFF condition.
6 Thermal run away. No thermal run away.
7 Line commutation is required to turn-OFF. No separate circuit is required to turn-OFF.
8 Most robust device. Less robust device.
9 Low on-state voltage drop. High on-state voltage drop.
10  Less temperature sensitive. Temperature sensitive.
11 No second breakdown. Less susceptible to second breakdown.