Digital Communications Articles:

Digital Fundamentals: The meaning of the term “digital” is fundamental to an understanding of the benefits of digital technology. Digital Fundamentals data must be compared with analog data in order to understand the distinction between the two. An analog signal is … (Read More)

Binary Number System in Digital Electronics
Binary Number System in Digital Electronics: Binary Number System in Digital Electronics – The decimal number system, using the base or radix 10, is familiar to most people. The digits for the system are defined as the non-negative integers which are … (Read More)

Digital Electronics Basics: Digital devices are based on Digital Electronics Basics circuits which can represent two states, ON or OFF. The ability to design integrated circuits consisting of thousands of transistors on wafer-thin; postage-stamp-sized chips has made Digital Electronics Basics both … (Read More)

Characteristics of Data Transmission Circuits
Characteristics of Data Transmission Circuits: Bandwidth Requirements – Characteristics of Data Transmission Circuits is the most instances consists of pulse-type energy. The data stream is similar to a square-wave signal with rapid transitions from one voltage level to another, with the … (Read More)

Digital Codes Types
Digital Codes Types: Various Digital Codes Types of equipment are used in computer systems to send and receive data: keyboards, video terminals, printers, paper tape punches and readers, paper card punches and readers, and magnetic storage devices. Each of these types … (Read More)

Error Detection and Correction Codes: Error Detection and Correction Codes – Errors enter the data stream during transmission and are caused by noise and transmission system impairments. Because errors compromise the data and in some cases render it useless, procedures have … (Read More)

Data Communication Circuit using Modem
Data Communication Circuit using Modem: Data Communication Circuit using Modem – The name modem is a contraction of the term MOdulator and DEModulator. As the name implies, both functions are included in a modem. When used in the transmitting mode, the … (Read More)

RS 232 Interface Modem: In the United States, a standard interconnection between business machine and modem is supplied by the RS 232 Interface Modem. RS 232 Interface Modem has been defined by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) to ensure compatibility between … (Read More)

Interconnection of Data Circuits
Interconnection of Data Circuits: In the United States, a recent FCC ruling, in part 68 of the Rules and Regulations, permits for the first time non-telephone company interconnection to telephone company circuits. This ruling has placed the responsibility for much of … (Read More)

Centralized Switched Telephone Network
Centralized Switched Telephone Network: Centralized Switched Telephone Network – As data systems have increased in number and complexity, it has become increasingly important to provide for their proper and orderly interconnection. Small, simple systems could dedicate individual lines for each piece … (Read More)

Switching Systems in Digital Communication
Switching Systems in Digital Communication: If only two sites are to be connected, switching is not required. The two facilities are interconnected on a point-to-point basis. However, switching is likely to be required where three or more sites need to be … (Read More)

Network Protocols in Digital Communication: “Intelligent” (microprocessor-controlled) switching systems have become the hubs of intelligent networks. Terminal devices and line connection equipment have also been given microprocessor “brains,” and thus the introduction of intelligent devices into the data communications field has … (Read More)