Electrical Drives Articles:

  1. Advantage and Disadvantage of Stepper Motors
  2. Application of Variable Speed Drives
  3. Armature Voltage Control using Transformer
  4. Battery Powered Vehicles
  5. Braking of Induction Motor Drive
  6. Braking of Single Phase Induction Motor
  7. Braking System in Train
  8. Brushless DC Motor Drives
  9. Choice of Electrical Drives
  10. Chopper Control of Separately Excited DC Motor
  11. Chopper Control of Series Motor
  12. Classes of Motor Duty in Electrical Drives
  13. Classification of Load Torques
  14. Closed Loop Speed Control of DC Motor
  15. Closed Loop Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives
  16. Closed Loop Speed Control of Multi Motor Drives
  17. Closed Loop Torque Control of Drives
  18. Coefficient of Adhesion in Traction
  19. Components of Load Torques
  20. Controlled Rectifier Fed DC Drives
  21. Conventional DC and AC Traction Drives
  22. CSI Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Drive
  23. Current Limit Control of Drives
  24. Current Regulated Voltage Source Inverter
  25. Current Sensing of Electrical Drives
  26. Current Source Inverter Control of Induction Motor
  27. Cycloconverter Control of Induction Motor
  28. DC Motor Braking Methods
  29. DC Motor Reversing Switch Diagram
  30. DC Shunt Motor Starter Design
  31. DC Traction
  32. Diesel Electric Traction System
  33. Drawbacks of Rectifier Fed DC Drives
  34. Drive Circuits for Stepper Motor
  35. Driving Axle Code for Locomotives
  36. Dual Converter Control of DC Separately Excited Motor
  37. Duty Cycle of Traction Drives
  38. Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor
  39. Eddy Current Drives
  40. Electric Traction Services
  41. Electrical Drive Systems
  42. Electrical Drives Introduction
  43. Energy Efficient Operation of Drives
  44. Energy Losses in Electrical Drive System
  45. Features of Traction Drives
  46. Four Quadrant Drive With Field Reversal
  47. Four Quadrant Operation of Motor Drive
  48. Harmonic Equivalent Circuit of Induction Motor
  49. Heating and Cooling Curves of Electrical Drives
  50. Interlocking Components in Electrical Drives
  51. Linear Induction Motor Working Principle
  52. Load Commutated Inverter Fed Synchronous Motor Drive
  53. Load Equalisation in Electrical Drives
  54. Measures for Energy Conservation in Electrical Drives
  55. Modes of Operation of Electrical Drive
  56. Motor Design Parameters
  57. Motor Rating Various Duty Cycles
  58. Nature of Traction Load
  59. Operation of Synchronous Motor
  60. Phase Locked Loop Control
  61. Pole Amplitude Modulation Induction Motor
  62. Pole Changing of Induction Motor
  63. Polyphase AC Motors for Traction Drives
  64. Power Factor Improvement Methods
  65. PWM VSI Induction Motor Drive
  66. PWM VSI Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Drive
  67. Rectifier Control of DC Series Motor
  68. Rotor Resistance Control of Induction Motor
  69. Selection of Motor Power Rating
  70. Self Controlled Synchronous Motor Drive
  71. Self Controlled Synchronous Motor Drive Employing a Cycloconverter
  72. Semiconductor Converter Controlled Drives
  73. Single Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control of DC Motor
  74. Single Phase Half Controlled Rectifier Control
  75. Single Phase Induction Motor Types
  76. Single Phase Induction Motors Working Principle
  77. Sinusoidal PMAC Motor
  78. Slip Power Recovery Scheme used in Induction Motor
  79. Solar Panels or Photovoltaic Cells
  80. Solar Powered Pump Drives
  81. Speed Control and Drive Classification
  82. Speed Control of DC Motor Drives
  83. Starting of Induction Motor Drives
  84. Stator Voltage Control of Induction Motor
  85. Steady State Stability of Drive
  86. Switched Reluctance Motor
  87. Synchronous Motors Types
  88. Three phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control
  89. Three Phase Induction Motors
  90. Time and Energy Loss in Transient Operations
  91. Torque Equation of Motor Load System
  92. Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
  93. Traction Motors
  94. Transient Analysis of DC Motor
  95. Transient Analysis of Induction Motor
  96. Types of DC Motor
  97. Types of Electrical Drives
  98. Unbalanced Rotor Impedance Operation
  99. Unbalanced Source Voltages Operations
  100. Use of Efficient Semiconductor Converters
  101. Variable Frequency Control From Current Source
  102. Variable Frequency Control of Induction Motor Drive
  103. Variable Frequency Control of Multiple Synchronous Motors
  104. Variable Reluctance Stepper Motor
  105. Variable Speed Constant Frequency Generator
  106. Voltage Source Inverter Control of Induction Motor
  107. Ward Leonard Method of Speed Control