Electron Tubes Articles:

What is Vacuum Diode, Construction, Working and Applications: Construction of Vacuum Diode – Vacuum diode is the simplest form of the electron tube for the production and control of free electrons. A typical vacuum diode is shown in Fig. 5.1. It … (Read More)

Vacuum Triode, Construction and Working
Vacuum Triode, Construction and Working: Construction of Vacuum Triode – The construction and the schematic symbol used for a vacuum triode are illustrated in Fig. 5.8. It, as the name suggests, consists of three electrodes namely, cathode (filament type or indirectly … (Read More)

Construction of Vacuum Tetrode, Working and Applications: Tetrode means four, hence tetrode is a four electrode tube consisting of a cathode, a control grid, a screen grid, and a plate. The constructional features of a typical Vacuum Tetrode are shown schematically … (Read More)

Construction and Working of Vacuum Pentode
Construction and Working of Vacuum Pentode: In order to retain the advantages of screen grid and eliminate the harmful effects of attracting the electrons due to secondary emission by the screen grid, an additional third grid, known as suppressor grid, may be … (Read More)

Classification of Gas Filled Tubes
Classification of Gas Filled Tubes: Vacuum tubes are no doubt, extensively used in communication control and industrial electronic circuits, but these can carry small plate currents (typically from 1 mA to 100 mA). For certain applications much large currents (from 1 … (Read More)

Explain Conduction in Gas: The introduction of small amount of gas into the electron evacuated tubes entirely changes the operating characteristics—materially giving in general a greatly diminished voltage drop and correspondingly increased current. When the cathode … (Read More)

Explain Cold Cathode Gas Filled Diode
Cold Cathode Gas Filled Diode: The cutaway view of a Cold Cathode Gas Filled Diode is shown in Fig. 5.24. It essentially consists of two electrodes, namely cathode and anode, mounted fairly close together in a glass envelope. The anode is … (Read More)

Construction of Phanotron
Construction of Phanotron: The constriction of a gas-filled diode or phanotron is similar to a vacuum diode except that the size of its electrodes is larger so as to conduct heavy currents. As far as the symbolic representation of the gas-filled … (Read More)

Thyratron Working Principle
Thyratron Working Principle: Thyratron is a hot cathode gas filled triode. Normally it is filled with a small amount of inert gas such as argon, hydrogen, neon or mercury vapour. The fast acting devices do not use mercury vapour as the … (Read More)