Important Questions of Overvoltage Protection:
1. What is a voltage surge ? Draw a typical lightning voltage surge.
2. Discuss the causes of overvoltages.
3. What is lightning ? Describe the mechanism of lightning discharge.
4. Describe the various types of lightning stroke.
5. What are the harmful effects of lightning ?
6. How do earthing screen and ground wires provide protection against direct lightning strokes ?
7. What is a surge diverter ? What is the basic principle of operation of a surge diverter ?
8. Write short notes on the following surge diverters:
(i) Rod gap diverter
(ii) Horn gap diverter
(iii) Expulsion type (livelier
(iv) Multigap diverter
9. Discuss the construction, principle and working of a valve type arrester.
10. What is a surge absorber ? Write a short note on Ferranti surge absorber.
11. Why are steep fronted surges more dangerous to power system equipment ?
12. Why is lightning accompanied by a thunder ?
13. Is the name lightning arrester appropriate ?
14. Why are surge diverters located very close to the equipment to be protected ?
15. Where will you use a surge absorber ?