Introduction to Communication Systems Articles:

Principles of Communication Systems: In a broad sense, the term Principles of Communication Systems refers to the sending, receiving and processing of information by electronic means. Communications started with wire telegraphy in the eighteen forties, developing with telephony some decades later … (Read More)

Need of Modulation in Communication System: Until the process of superimposing a low-frequency (long-wave) voice information component on a high-frequency (short-wave) carrier signal was perfected, the most widely used form of communications was a system based on the transmission of a … (Read More)

Bandwidth Requirement in Communication System
Bandwidth Requirement in Communication System: It is reasonable to expect that the frequency range i.e., Bandwidth Requirement in Communication System for a given transmission should depend on the Bandwidth occupied by the modulation signals themselves. A high-fidelity audio signal requires a … (Read More)