Magnetic Circuits and Induction Articles:

Magnetic Field Equation: The exact description of the Magnetic Field Equation Basics is given by the Maxwell’s equations and the constitutive relationship of the medium in which the field is established. Such description apart from being highly complex is otherwise not … (Read More)

BH Curve Relationship of Ferromagnetic Material
BH Curve Relationship (Magnetization Characteristic) for Ferromagnetic Material: In free space (also nonmagnetic materials), the permeability μ0 is constant so that BH Curve Relationship is linear. This, however, is not the case with ferromagnetic materials used in electric machines, wherein the BH … (Read More)

Magnetic Circuit Calculations: Normally magnetic circuit calculations involve two types of problems. In the first type of problem it is required to determine the excitation (mmf) needed to establish a desired flux or flux density at a given point in a … (Read More)

Magnetic Properties of Materials
Magnetic Properties of Materials: From the magnetic point of view a material is classified according to the nature of its relative permeability (μr). All nonmagnetic materials are classified as paramagnetic ,μr slightly greater than 1, and … (Read More)

Magnetically Induced Emf and Force: Faraday’s law of induction, which is the integral form of the fourth Maxwell’s equation, is given as The integrated form of Eq.(2.15) for a coil of N turns is The positive direction … (Read More)

Energy Density Formula in Magnetic Circuit: The Energy Density Formula of transformers, ac machines and several other electromagnetic devices are excited from ac rather than dc sources. With ac operation, inductance is effective even in steady-state operation. Often, the flux is … (Read More)

Hysteresis Loss and Eddy Current Loss in Transformer
Hysteresis Loss and Eddy Current Loss in Transformer: When a magnetic material undergoes cyclic magnetization, two kinds of power losses occur in it Hysteresis Loss and Eddy Current Loss in Transformer which together are known as Core Loss in transformer. The … (Read More)

Define Permanent Magnet in Magnetic Circuits: Define of Permanent Magnet is an important excitation source (life long) commonly employed for imparting energy to magnetic circuits used in rotating machines and other types of electromechanical devices. There are three classes of permanent magnet … (Read More)

Application of Permanent Magnet Motor: Application of Permanent Magnet Motor are given in Table 2.1. These properties are: residual flux density Br, coercive magnetizing force Hc maximum energy stored (BH)max and resistivity. Type A material is cheap but heavy, and suitable for … (Read More)