Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Articles:

This Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Articles which includes the following topics:

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

  1. Features of 8085 Microprocessor
  2. 8085 Microprocessor Architecture and its Operations
  3. 8085 Pin Diagram
  4. Instruction Cycle of 8085 Microprocessor
  5. Machine Cycle in 8085 Microprocessor
  6. Classification of Instruction Set of 8085
  7. Instruction Format of 8085
  8. Addressing Modes of 8085 Microprocessor
  9. Microprocessor Programming
  10. Instruction Set of 8085
  11. Write and Executing Assembly Language Programming 8085
  12. Debugging in Programming
  13. Programming Techniques in Microprocessor 8085
  14. 8085 Clock Circuit
  15. Memory Interfacing in 8085
  16. Input Output Interfacing 8085 Microprocessor
  17. Input Output Interfacing Techniques
  18. Input Output Transfer Techniques
  19. Polling and Interrupts
  20. Types of Interrupts in 8085
  21. Features of 8086 Microprocessor
  22. Internal Architecture of 8086
  23. 8086 Addressing Modes
  24. 8086 Instruction Format
  25. Data Transfer Instructions in 8086
  26. Arithmetic Instructions in 8086
  27. Bit Manipulation Instructions in 8086
  28. Shift Instructions in 8086
  29. Rotate Instruction in 8086 with example
  30. Program Execution Transfer Instructions in 8086 Microprocessor
  31. Process Control Instructions in 8086
  32. 8086 External Hardware Synchronization Instructions
  33. String Instruction in 8086
  34. Program Development and Execution
  35. Assembly Instruction Format
  36. Modular Programming in 8086 Microprocessor
  37. Parameter Passing Techniques in Microprocessor
  38. Macros in Microprocessor
  39. Conditional Statement in Assembly Language Program
  40. Interrupt Structure of 8086
  41. 8086 Interrupt Types
  42. Interrupt Priority in 8086
  43. 8086 Microprocessor Pin Diagram and 8088 Pin Diagram
  44. Minimum Mode Configuration of 8086
  45. Maximum Mode Configuration of 8086
  46. Memory Addressing Modes of 8086
  47. Address Decoding Techniques in 8086 Microprocessor
  48. Motorola 68000 Features
  49. Register Architecture of 68000 Microprocessor
  50. Motorola 68000 Pins and Signals
  51. 68000 Addressing Modes
  52. Motorola 68000 Instruction Set
  53. Exceptions Types of Motorola 68000
  54. 68000 Stack and Queue
  55. Features of 8051 Microcontroller
  56. Intel 8051 Architecture and 8031 Architecture
  57. Timers and Counters in 8051 Microcontroller
  58. Serial Communication Interface in Microprocessor
  59. 8051 Interrupts
  60. Arithmetic Instructions in 8051
  61. 8051 Addressing Modes
  62. Features of 8096 Microcontroller
  63. 8096 Microcontroller Architecture Block Diagram
  64. Intel 8096 CPU Structure
  65. 8096 Microprocessor Functional Units
  66. 8096 Memory Space
  67. Interrupt Structure of 8096
  68. Features of 8255 Microprocessor
  69. 8255 Pin Diagram
  70. 8255 Programming and Operation
  71. 8255 Interfacing with 8086
  72. Serial Communication Interface 8251
  73. Features of 8251 Microcontroller
  74. 8251 Pin Diagram
  75. 8251 Block Diagram in Microprocessor
  76. 8251 Usart
  77. Interfacing 8251 with 8085
  78. 8257 DMA Controller
  79. Features of Microprocessor 8257 DMA Controller
  80. 8257 Pin Diagram
  81. Operating Modes of 8257
  82. Interfacing of 8257 with 8085
  83. Features of 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller
  84. 8259 Block Diagram
  85. Interfacing 8259 with 8085
  86. 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller
  87. Features of Intel 8279 Programmable Keyboard Display Interface
  88. Pin Diagram of 8279
  89. 8279 Block Diagram
  90. Operating Modes of 8279
  91. 8279 Keyboard Display Controller Interfacing with 8085
  92. IC 1408 DAC Pin Diagram
  93. DAC0830 Digital to Analog Converter
  94. ADC0804 Family
  95. ADC0808 Pin Diagram
  96. IC 7109 Features
  97. Sample and Hold IC
  98. Sample and Hold Circuit
  99. BCD to 7 Segment Decoder using IC 7447
  100. 18 Segment Display
  101. Types of LCD Displays
  102. Transistor Buffer Circuit
  103. Stepper Motor Interface
  104. Electromagnetic Interference
  105. Solid State Relay Interfacing
  106. Optical Encoders
  107. Interfacing Dip Switch
  108. Process Control Block Diagram
  109. Sensors and Transducers
  110. Speed Control of DC Motor
  111. Temperature Control System
  112. Latching Circuit
  113. Power on Reset Circuit of 8085
  114. Control Signals of 8085
  115. 80186 Microprocessor Architecture
  116. 80186 Pin Diagram
  117. Addressing Modes of 80186
  118. Data Types of 80186
  119. Instruction Set of 80186
  120. Architecture of 80286 Microprocessor
  121. Pin Diagram of 80286 Microprocessor
  122. Addressing Modes of 80286 Microprocessor
  123. Data Types of 80286 Microprocessor
  124. 80286 Instruction Set
  125. Real Addressing Mode of 80286
  126. Protected Virtual Address Mode (PVAM) in 80286
  127. Internal Architecture of 80386 Microprocessor
  128. Registers of 80386 Microprocessor
  129. Intel 80386 Pin Diagram Description
  130. Addressing Modes of 80386 Microprocessor
  131. Data Types of 80386 Microprocessor
  132. Operating Modes of 80386 Microprocessor
  133. Instruction Set of 80386 Microprocessor
  134. Architecture of 80486 Microprocessor
  135. Pin Diagram of 80486 Microprocessor
  136. Features of 80186, 80286, 80386 and 80486 Microprocessor
  137. Internal Architecture of Pentium Processor
  138. Operating Modes of Pentium Processor
  139. What is Segmentation in Pentium Processor?
  140. Linear, Logical Address and Physical Address in Microprocessor
  141. Virtual 8086 Mode in Microprocessor
  142. Pin Diagram of Pentium Processor
  143. Addressing Modes of Pentium Processor
  144. Pentium Bus Interfacing
  145. What is System Management Mode (SMM) of the Pentium Processor?
  146. Cache Memory in Pentium Processor
  147. Pentium MMX Processor
  148. Pentium Pro, Pentium II and Pentium III Processors
  149. Features of Pentium 4 Processor
  150. Architecture of Pentium 4 Processor
  151. What is Risc Processors?
  152. What is Core Processor?
  153. What is Machine Language in Microprocessor and Microcontroller?
  154. What is Assembly Language Programming?
  155. What is High Level Language in Microprocessor?
  156. What is Stack in Assembly Language?
  157. What is Subroutine in Microprocessor?
  158. Time Delay Loop in Microprocessor
  159. What is Modular Programming?
  160. Internal Architecture of 8088 Microprocessor
  161. Timing Diagram of the 8088 Microprocessor
  162. Demultiplexing of Address and Data Bus in 8086 and 8088 Microprocessors
  163. Clock Generator 8284A
  164. 8288 Bus Controller
  165. 8087 Numeric Data Processor
  166. Pin Diagram of 8087 Processor
  167. Data Types and Instruction Set of 8087 co-processor
  168. 80287 Numeric Data Processor
  169. Pin diagram of 80287 co-processor
  170. 80387 Numeric Data co-processor
  171. 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller
  172. 8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface
  173. 8253 Programmable Interval Timer
  174. Internal Architecture of 8275 CRT Controller
  175. Bus Interface in Microprocessor
  176. Pin Diagram of 8250 UART
  177. Pin diagram of 16550 UART
  178. Pin diagram of 8089 Processor
  179. Measurement of Electrical Quantities
  180. Measurement of Physical Quantities
  181. Microprocessor Based Protection Relay
  182. Microprocessor Based Traffic Light Control
  183. Microprocessor Based Firing Circuit of a Thyristor