Microwave Tubes and Circuits Articles:

Triode Equivalent Circuit: As frequency is raised, vacuum tubes suffer from two general kinds of problems. The first is concerned with interelectrode capacitances and inductances, and the second is caused by the finite time that electrons take … (Read More)

Planar Triode Construction
Planar Triode Construction: A short transit time is essential if grid loss and noise are to be minimized, as is the reduction of internal capacitances and inductances. Also, since coaxial resonant lines and cavities are used as … (Read More)

Multicavity Klystron: The design of the multicavity klystron, together with all the remaining tubes described here, relies on the fact that transit time will sooner or later terminate the usefulness of any orthodox tube. They therefore use the transit time, instead … (Read More)

Reflex Klystron Oscillator
Reflex Klystron Oscillator: It is possible to produce oscillations in a klystron device which has only one cavity, through which electrons pass twice. This is the Reflex Klystron Oscillator, which will now be described. The Reflex Klystron Oscillator is a low-power, low-efficiency … (Read More)

Cavity Magnetron Working
Cavity Magnetron Working: The Cavity Magnetron Working, which will be referred to as the magnetron, is a diode, usually of cylindrical construction. It employs a radial electric field, an axial magnetic field and an anode structure with permanent cavities. As shown … (Read More)

Types of Magnetron: The Various Types of Magnetron are 20-kW Conventional Metal Ceramic Magnetron 5-MW Long Anode Coaxial Magnetron Frequency agile or Dither tuned Magnetron Voltage Tunable Magnetron The Magnetron, perhaps more than any other microwave tube, lends itself to a variety of types, designs and … (Read More)

Traveling Wave Tube Working
Traveling Wave Tube Working(TWT): Like the multicavity klystron, the Traveling Wave Tube Working is a linear-beam tube used as a microwave amplifier. Unlike the klystron, however, it is a device in which the interaction between the beam and the RF field … (Read More)

Types of Travelling Wave Tubes: The TWT is the most versatile and most frequently used microwave tube. Four Types of Travelling Wave Tubes, each with particular applications and performance requirements. These are now described. TWT Types: The most fruitful method of categorizing traveling-wave … (Read More)

Crossed Field Amplifier
Crossed Field Amplifier: The Crossed Field Amplifier is a microwave power amplifier based on the magnetron and looking very much like it. It is a cross between the TWT and the magnetron in its operation. It uses an essentially magnetron structure … (Read More)