Operational Transconductance Amplifier Articles:

Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA): The operational amplifiers considered up to this point have been voltage amplifiers. The input signal is a voltage and the output signal is a voltage. Another type of op-amp is an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) which produces … (Read More)

OTA Voltage Amplifier Circuit Diagram
OTA Voltage Amplifier Circuit Diagram: A basic OTA voltage amplifier circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 41.4. At room temperature (T = 300 K), the output current, Now, if the whole output current Iout flows into the RL. This will occur only if … (Read More)

OTA as Programmable Resistor, Grounded Resistor and Floating Resistor: OTA as a Programmable Resistor: We may employ Ic OTA as a programmable resistor whose resistance is controlled by controlling current Ic. We can define resistance, using Eq. (41.16) Two OTAs can be employed … (Read More)

OTA Adder (Summer) and OTA Lossy Integrator
OTA Adder (Summer) and OTA Lossy Integrator: OTA Adder (Summer) : OTA adder is shown in Fig. 41.9 for which the output voltage is given as where G = 1/R. This circuit is versatile because the re­sistor R can be replaced by … (Read More)

OTA Based Ground Inductor and Floating Inductor
OTA Based Ground Inductor and Floating Inductor: The OTA Based ground inductor can be realized by using 2 OTAs as shown in Fig. 41.11. Using Eq. (41.1), we have and Also we have where Vc is the voltage across capacitor and is given as Substituting Vc = … (Read More)

OTA in Sample and Hold Circuits: The OTA can be used in sample and hold circuits, as shown in Fig. 41.15. To sample and hold the input signal the control terminal is biased on (= + VCC) and off (= – VEE), … (Read More)

What is Current Conveyors (CCs)?
What is Current Conveyors (CCs)? Current conveyors (CCs) were first introduced by Smith and Sedra and have been used in a variety of electronic applications. The CC is a three-port device described by the hybrid equations in which symbols for the port … (Read More)