Interrupt Structure of 8096

Interrupt Structure of 8096: Eight interrupt sources are available on the Interrupt Structure of 8096. When enabled, an interrupt occurring on any of these sources will read the address of…

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8096 Memory Space

8096 Memory Space: The addressable memory space on the 8096 Memory Space consists of 64 K bytes, most of which is available to the user for program or data memory.…

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8096 Microprocessor Functional Units

8096 Microprocessor Functional Units: Table 13.2 shows the list of major I/O functions provided by various 8096 Microprocessor Functional Units. Timers: The 8096 Microprocessor Functional Units has two 16 bit…

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Intel 8096 CPU Structure

Intel 8096 CPU Structure: The major components of the CPU on the 8096BH are the register file and the register ALU (RALU). The Intel 8096 CPU Structure consists of a…

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8096 Microcontroller Architecture Block Diagram

8096 Microcontroller Architecture Block Diagram: Fig. 13.1 shows the internal block diagram of 8096 Microcontroller Architecture Block Diagram. It consists of several functional units, namely CPU with 232 byte register…

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Features of 8096 Microcontroller

Features of 8096 Microcontroller: Here, we are going to see 16-bit microcontroller MCS 8096. It is designed for high speed/high performance control applications. The Features of 8096 Microcontroller are namely,…

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Band Stop Filter

Band Stop Filter: Band Stop Filter stop a range of frequencies between two cut-off frequencies f1 and f2 while pass all the frequencies below f1 and above f2. Thus range…

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Features of 8255 Microprocessor

Features of 8255 Microprocessor: Features of 8255 Microprocessor - Here we see programmable peripheral interface (PPI), 8255, designed by Intel. It is a general purpose programmable I/O device used for…

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