Debugging in Programming

Debugging in Programming: A Debugging in Programming which allows you to load your object code program into system memory, execute the program, and debug it. How does a debugger help…

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What is Modular Programming?

What is Modular Programming?: What is Modular Programming? - Generally, industry-programming projects consist of thousands of lines of instructions or operation code. Such huge monolithic programs would be unmanageable and…

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What is High Level Language in Microprocessor?

What is High Level Language in Microprocessor?: The demerits of assembly languages are overcome by using high-level languages. High-level languages can improve the readability by using English words which make…

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What is Risc Processors?

What is Risc Processors?: What is Risc Processors? - In the previous sections, CISC processors were discussed elaborately. CISC is pronounced sisk, and it stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer.…

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Registers of 80386 Microprocessor

Registers of 80386 Microprocessor: The 80386 processor has significantly extended the 8086 register set. All the registers of 80286 are existing in the 80386 processor and some new registers have…

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Register Architecture of 68000 Microprocessor

Register Architecture of 68000 Microprocessor: Fig. 11.1 illustrate the Register Architecture of 68000 Microprocessor. Data Registers: The data registers can be used to handle (8-bit) bytes, (16-bit) words, or 32-bit…

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8086 Interrupt Types

8086 Interrupt Types: The 8086 Interrupt Types are Dedicated Interrupts: Type 0 : Divide by Zero Interrupt When the quotient from either a DIV or IDIV instruction is too large to…

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Modular Programming in 8086 Microprocessor

Modular Programming in 8086 Microprocessor: Many programs are too large to be developed by one programmer. Such programs are developed by team of programmers. They divide a large program into…

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