Differentiator using Op Amp

Differentiator using Op Amp: A Differentiator using Op Amp circuit that performs the mathematical operation of differ­entiation. It produces an output voltage proportional to slope of the input volt­age. A…

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Digital Memory Waveform Recorder (DWR)

Digital Memory Waveform Recorder (DWR): The Digital Memory Waveform Recorder (DWR) shown in Fig. 12.18, provides capability which is difficult to achieve by other methods. The block diagram (Fig. 12.18)…

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Strip Chart Recorder Working Principle

Strip Chart Recorder Working Principle: Strip Chart Recorder Working Principle are those in which data is recorded on a continuous roll of chart paper moving at a constant speed. The…

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Automatic Bridge Circuit

Automatic Bridge Circuit: The bridges discussed so far require that the controls be adjusted for balance after each capacitor (or other devices being tested) is connected to the bridge. In…

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FFT Spectrum Analyzer

FFT Spectrum Analyzer Using a Waveform Processing Software(SS-36): FFT Spectrum Analyzer - The Waveform Processing Software (SS-36) enables one to analyze waveforms very easily. The waveform is captured on a Digital…

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Spectrum Analyzer Block Diagram

Spectrum Analyzer Block Diagram: Spectrum Analyzer Block Diagram - The most common way of observing signals is to display them on an oscilloscope, with time as the X-axis (i.e. amplitude…

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Marker Generator

Marker Generator Block Diagram: Marker Generator - The sweep generator provides a visual display of the characteristics of the circuit or amplifier, but this is inadequate because it does not…

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