Two pulse converters with freewheeling diode

Two pulse converters with freewheeling diode: One quadrant converters can also be obtained by connecting a free wheeling diode across the load terminals. This is possible with both midpoint and…

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Varactor Diode Symbol

Varactor Diode Symbol: A specially processed junction diode that assumes the properties of a variable capacitor (about 5 - 250 pf) when its dc reverse voltage is varied is called…

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Semiconductor Temperature Sensing Diode

Semiconductor Temperature Sensing Diode: Semiconductor Temperature Sensing Diode is a versatile device and finds use in many applications. Two of its parameter, that is forward voltage drop (Vf) and reverse saturation…

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What is a Photodiode?

What is a Photodiode?: A reverse biased Semiconductor diode passes only a very small leakage current (a fraction of 1μA in silicon diodes), if the junction is exposed to light.…

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Setup for Diode Testing in Oscilloscope

Setup for Diode Testing in Oscilloscope: Diode Testing in Oscilloscope -The voltage-current characteristics curve of a crystal diode may be observed using the circuit given in Fig. 7.37 (a). In…

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