Coupled Circuit Articles

Coupled Circuit Articles: Coupled Circuits Definition: Two circuits are said to be ‘coupled’ when energy transfer takes place from one circuit to the other when one of the circuits is…

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Magnetic Circuits and Induction Articles

Magnetic Circuits and Induction Articles: Magnetic Field Equation: The exact description of the Magnetic Field Equation Basics is given by the Maxwell’s equations and the constitutive relationship of the medium…

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Switching Circuits Articles

Switching Circuits Articles: What is Switching Circuit? In practice, we often need making (switching on) and breaking (switching off) of an electrical circuit. It is also desirable and sometimes essential…

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Regulated and Switching Power Supplies Articles

Regulated and Switching Power Supplies Articles: Regulated and Unregulated Power Supply: Almost all electronic devices used in electronic circuits need a dc source of power to operate. The source of…

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Rectifiers Articles

Rectifiers Articles: What is Surge Current? – Definition and Workings: Before switching on of power supply, the filter capacitor is uncharged . At the instant the power supply is switched…

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Power Converters Articles

Power Converters Articles: What is a Power Converter? Solid-state power converter are employed for obtaining the appro­priate form of electrical energy such as direct current or adjustable-frequency alternating current (required…

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