Microprocessor Based DCS

Microprocessor Based DCS: Microprocessor Based DCS - Modern plants nowadays are very complex, large scale systems with a very high degree of automation. The designs and the operation of these…

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Heat Capacity of Calorimeter

Heat Capacity of Calorimeter: Heat Capacity of Calorimeter - RF power may be directly converted into heat. Water acts as the load, and RF power may be used to heat…

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Digital Memory Waveform Recorder (DWR)

Digital Memory Waveform Recorder (DWR): The Digital Memory Waveform Recorder (DWR) shown in Fig. 12.18, provides capability which is difficult to achieve by other methods. The block diagram (Fig. 12.18)…

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What is Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)?

What is Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)?: Digital Storage Oscilloscope are available in processing and non-processing types. Processing types include built in computing power, which takes advantage of the fact that…

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Introduction to Oscilloscopes

Introduction to Oscilloscopes: Introduction to Oscilloscopes - The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope is probably the most versatile tool for the development of electronic circuits and systems. The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope allows…

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