Diesel Electric Traction System

Diesel Electric Traction System: Because of high initial cost, electric traction is justified only where there is sufficient volume of traffic. Diesel Electric Traction System is preferable where the traffic…

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PWM VSI Induction Motor Drive

PWM VSI Induction Motor Drive: PWM VSI Induction Motor Drive for traction is shown in Fig. 10.21. A pulsewidth modulated voltage source inverter converts dc into variable frequency and variable…

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DC Traction

DC Traction using Semiconductor Chopper Controlled DC Motors: Chopper control has replaced resistance control in all dc traction schemes, such as 1500 V dc main line and suburban traction, 750…

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Semiconductor Converter Controlled Drives

Semiconductor Converter Controlled Drives: These are now widely used both in ac and dc tractions involving dc and ac motors, and the conventional drives have all become outdated, and will…

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Conventional DC and AC Traction Drives

Conventional DC and AC Traction Drives: The commonly used Conventional DC and AC Traction Drives are The dc Traction Drives Employing Resistance Control: The dc traction drives employing resistance control…

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Traction Motors

Traction Motors: Motors Employed in Traction : Earlier, dc series motor was widely used in Traction Motors. It has high starting torque and capability for high torque overloads. With an…

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