Linear Applications of Op-Amps Interview Questions and Answers

Linear Applications of Op-Amps Interview Questions and Answers: 1. Give the examples of linear circuits. Ans. Adder, subtractor, differentiator, integrator, voltage-to-current converter, current-to-voltage converter, instrumentation amplifier fall under the category of…

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Squelch Circuit

Squelch Circuit: Squelch (muting): When no carrier is present at the input, i.e., in the absence of transmissions on a given channel or between stations, a sensitive receiver will produce a…

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Voltmeters and Multimeters Articles

Voltmeters and Multimeters Articles: DC Meter: The most commonly used dc meter is based on the fundamental principle of the motor. The motor action is produced by the flow of…

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Signal Conditioning in Instrumentation Articles

Signal Conditioning in Instrumentation Articles: Signal Conditioning System: The measurand, which is basically a physical quantity, is detected by the first stage of the instrumentation or measurement system. The first…

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Synchronous Vibrator and Synchronous Chopper

Synchronous Vibrator and Synchronous Chopper: Low dc current may be transformed into a high voltage dc by simple chopper action. Although an inductive type transformation process is required, the out­put…

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