Electrical Energy Definition

Electrical Energy Definition: Electrical Energy Definition states that energy is the basic necessity for the economic development of a country. Many functions necessary to present-day living grind to halt when…

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DC Motor Electric Brakes

DC Motor Electric Brakes: DC Motor Electric Brakes - While operating electrical drives it is often necessary to stop the motor quickly and also reverse it. In applications like cranes…

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Basic Components of Electric Circuit

Basic Components of Electric Circuit: The Basic Components of Electric Circuit consists of three parts: (1) energy source, such as battery or generator, (2) the load or sink, such as…

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Electric Drive Motor

Electric Drive Motor: Motion control is required in large number of industrial and domestic applications like transportation systems, rolling mills, paper machines, textile mills, machine tools, fans, pumps, robots, washing…

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Development of Electric Power Industry

Development of Electric Power Industry: The basic human need for safe, efficient, and affordable light became the driving force which led to the Development of Electric Power Industry of today's…

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A Simple Electric Motor

A Simple Electric Motor: Variable speed drives in the industry employ a simple electric motor as their drive motors mainly because they enjoy several specific advantages, such as overload capacity,…

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Block Diagram of Electrical Drives

Block Diagram of Electrical Drives | Advantages | Applications: Block Diagram of Electrical Drives - Invention of thyristor led to emergence of semiconductor drives in early sixties. The improvements in…

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