Electrical Energy in Power System Articles

Electrical Energy in Power System Articles: Different Types of Energy Sources : Since electrical energy is produced from energy available in various forms in nature, it is desirable to look…

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Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics Articles

Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics Articles: Solid Dielectric Materials: Solid dielectric materials are used in all kinds of electrical apparatus and devices to insulate one’current carrying part from another when they…

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Transducers Articles

Transducers Articles: Electrical Transducer: A transducer is defined as a device that receives energy from one system and transmits it to another, often in a different form. Broadly defined, the…

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Control of Electric Motor Articles

Control of Electric Motor Articles: Control of DC Electric Motor: A separately excited DC Electric Motor is very versatile as a variable speed motor. Its speed can be varied by…

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Deltatron Circuit

Deltatron Circuit or Cascaded Modular Voltage Multipliers: A combination of Cockcroft-Walton type voltage multiplier with cascaded transformer d.c. rectifier is developed recently for very high voltages but limited output currents having…

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Applications of Rotating Machines

Applications of Rotating Machines: Applications of Rotating Machines are normally divided into two categories: those with voltage ratings less than 6,600 V are called low voltage machines, and the others…

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Solid Dielectrics Used in Practice

Solid Dielectrics Used in Practice: The majority of the insulating systems used in practice are solids. They can be broadly classified into three groups: organic materials, inorganic materials and synthetic…

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Oil Circuit Breaker Diagram

Oil Circuit Breaker Diagram: In such Oil Circuit Breaker Diagram, some insulating oil (e.g., transformer oil) is used as an arc quenching medium. The contacts are opened under oil and…

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