
Attenuators: Attenuators are designed to change the magnitude of the input signal seen at the input stage, while presenting a constant impedance on all ranges at the attenuator input. A…

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Probes for CRO

Probes for CRO: Direct Probes (1 : 1): The simplest types of Probes for CRO (one can hardly call it a probe) is the test lead. Test leads are simply…

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Gear Wheel Method for Frequency Measurement

Gear Wheel Method for Frequency Measurement: When a Lissajous figure contains a large number of loops, accurate counting becomes difficult. Figure 7.35 shows a test method that uses a modulated…

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Frequency Measurement by Lissajous Method

Frequency Measurement by Lissajous Method: The oscilloscope is a sensitive indicator for frequency and phase measurements. This Frequency Measurement by Lissajous Method techniques used are simple and dependable, and measurement…

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Vertical Amplifier

Vertical Amplifier: The sensitivity (gain) and frequency bandwidth (B.W.) response characteristics of the oscilloscope are mainly determined by the vertical amplifier. Since the gain B.W. product is constant, to obtain…

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CRT Features

CRT Features: CRT Features - Electrostatic CRTs are available in a number of types and sizes to suit individual requirements. The important features of these tubes are as follows. 1.…

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