Digital Filtering Processor

Digital Filtering Processor: The implementation of any digital filtering consists of a series of multiplications of samples of the input and/or output signals by constants, and of the additions of…

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Frequency Domain Representation

Frequency Domain Representation: Frequency Domain Representation - A very important representation of discrete time systems can be obtained in terms of sinusoidal or complex-exponential signals. This is possible because the…

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Higher Order Filter Design

Higher Order Filter Design: Higher Order Filter Design - From the preceding discussion on filters we can conclude that in the stop band the gain of the filter changes at…

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Classification of Active Filters

Classification of Active Filters: An electric filter is often a frequency selective circuit that passes a specified band of frequencies and blocks or attenuates signals of frequencies outside this band.…

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Varactor Diode Symbol

Varactor Diode Symbol: A specially processed junction diode that assumes the properties of a variable capacitor (about 5 - 250 pf) when its dc reverse voltage is varied is called…

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Transistor Chopper Circuit

Transistor Chopper Circuit: Transistor Chopper Circuit - A single transistor used as a dynamic switch to convert low level dc signal to an ac waveform is shown in Fig. 14.34.…

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Measurements of Thickness using Beta Gauge

Measurements of Thickness using Beta Gauge: Beta Gauge - A common and characteristic feature of a radioactive element is that they disintegrate spontaneously to produce fresh radioactive elements called daughter…

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Pyrometer Working Principle

Pyrometer Working Principle: When temperature being measured is very high and physical contact with the medium to be measured is impossible or impractical, optical pyrometer based on the principle of…

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