Bode Plot in Network Analysis

Bode Plot in Network Analysis: The Bode Plot in Network Analysis is a popular method to obtain the frequency response of the networks. It basically sketches the variations in MR…

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Complex Locus of RLC Networks

Complex Locus of RLC Networks: Complex Locus of RLC Networks - The network function G(s) or H(s) can be impedance function or an admittance function hence referred as immitance function.…

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Magnitude Plot and Phase Angle Plot

Magnitude Plot and Phase Angle Plot: Magnitude Plot and Phase Angle Plot - As mentioned earlier, the polar coordinate system is very commonly used to obtain the frequency response. The…

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Audio Power Amplifier using IC Amplifier Driver

Audio Power Amplifier using IC Amplifier Driver: The LM391 integrated circuit Audio Power Amplifier using IC Amplifier Driver contains amplification and driver stages for controlling an externally-connected Class-AB output stage…

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Small Signal Amplifiers Articles

Small Signal Amplifiers Articles: Single Stage Common Emitter Amplifier Circuit: Specification – Bias circuit design for the Single Stage Common Emitter Amplifier Circuit in shown in Fig. 12-1 and ac…

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AC Analysis of FET Circuits Articles

AC Analysis of FET Circuits Articles: Coupling Capacitors: Coupling Capacitors are required at a circuit input to couple a signal source to the circuit without affecting the bias conditions. Similarly,…

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BJT Specifications Articles

BJT Specifications Articles: Transistor Datasheet: To select a transistor for a particular application, the Transistor Datasheet provided by device manufacturers must be consulted. Most data sheets start off with the…

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Transformer Coupled Amplifier

Transformer Coupled Amplifier: Transformer Coupled Amplifier commences with the load resistance and output power, specification. A signal voltage amplitude may also be stated, as well as the upper and lower…

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