What is MOS Capacitor?

What is MOS Capacitor? The metal-oxide-semiconductor MOS capacitor shown in Fig. 13.92 (a) is the heart of the MOSFET. The metal may be aluminium or some other type of metal.…

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Advantages and Disadvantages of JFET

Advantages and Disadvantages of JFET: Junction field-effect transistors combine several merits of both conventional (or bipolar) transistors and vacuum tubes. Some of these advantages and disadvantages of JFET are enumerated…

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Various Bias Compensation Methods

Various Bias Compensation Methods: During the discussion made for various biasing methods for providing stability to the operating point we have seen that self bias (or potential divider bias) and…

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Light Emitting Materials

Light Emitting Materials: Since the eye is only sensitive to light of energy hf ≥ 1.8 eV (~ 0.7 μm), semiconductors of interest must have energy band gaps larger than this…

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IR Emitters or Infrared-emitting diodes

IR Emitters or Infrared-emitting diodes: IR Emitters or Infrared-emitting diodes are solid-state gallium arsenide devices that emit a beam of radiant flux when forward biased. Fig. 25.53 depicts the basic…

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