Current Source Inverter Control of Induction Motor

Current Source Inverter Control of Induction Motor: A thyristor Current Source Inverter Control of Induction Motor (CSI) is shown in Fig. 6.45. Diodes D1-D6 and capacitors C1-C6 provide commutation of thyristors…

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Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor

Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor(or Rheostatic Braking): (a) AC Dynamic Braking - AC Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor is obtained when the motor is run on a single phase supply…

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Interfacing 8251 with 8085

Interfacing 8251 with 8085: Fig. 14.44 shows the Interfacing 8251 with 8085 in I/O mapped I/O technique. Here, RD and WR signals are activated by CPU when IO/M signal is…

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Features of 8251 Microcontroller

Features of 8251 Microcontroller: The features of Features of 8251 Microcontroller are namely, 1. The Intel 8251A is an universal synchronous and asynchronous communication controller. 2. It supports standard asynchronous protocol…

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Features of 8096 Microcontroller

Features of 8096 Microcontroller: Here, we are going to see 16-bit microcontroller MCS 8096. It is designed for high speed/high performance control applications. The Features of 8096 Microcontroller are namely,…

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Symmetrical Components Articles

Symmetrical Components Articles: Symmetrical Component Transformation: Symmetrical Component Transformation is given by a  set of three balanced voltages (phasors) Va,Vb,Vc is characterized by equal magnitudes and interphase differences of 120°.…

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